International Projects
Planned projects for repurposing natural gas transmission pipelines to hydrogen

Start Year 2026-31
Hydrogen network Netherlands
Gasunie will develop and operate the hydrogen network, which will consist of 85% repurposed natural gas pipelines. It will connect seaports with large industrial clusters in the Netherlands, storage facilities as well as neighbouring countries, Germany (Ruhr area and Hamburg) and Belgium.

Start Year 2024
GET H2 Nukleus
Repurposing 122 km of existing Evonik and OGE pipelines to transport 100% hydrogen and construction of 14 km of a new hydrogen pipeline to connect to the Get H2 Nukleus project. It would supply hydrogen to BP refineries in Lingen and Ruhr Oel refinery in Gelsenkirchen, and to the Marl Chemical Park.

Start Year 2026-30
H2ercules aims to link electrolysers, import terminals and storage facilities from the north with industrial consumers in the west and south of Germany, using mostly repurposed pipelines. The estimated cost is EUR 3.5 billion. Thyssenkrupp has signalled their interest. RWE intends to build at least 2 GW of H2-ready gas-fired power stations close to the planned H2ercules pathway. The Get H2 Nukleus project is part of H2ercules.

Start Year 2026-30
H2ercules aims to link electrolysers, import terminals and storage facilities from the north with industrial consumers in the west and south of Germany, using mostly repurposed pipelines. The estimated cost is EUR 3.5 billion. Thyssenkrupp has signalled their interest. RWE intends to build at least 2 GW of H2-ready gas-fired power stations close to the planned H2ercules pathway. The Get H2 Nukleus project is part of H2ercules.

Start Year 2030
Project Union
United Kingdom
Project Union hydrogen network aims to link industrial clusters and repurpose around 25% of the existing gas transmission pipelines. National Grid will carry out a feasibility study in 2022-23 to assess which pipelines could be repurposed and additional infrastructure needs.

Start Year 2030
Danish-German Hydrogen network
Denmark, Germany
The planned hydrogen network from Esbjerg (340 km, 63% repurposed pipelines) or Holstebro (440 km, 48% repurposed) in Denmark to industrial demand centres in Hamburg, Germany. Energinet and Gasunie have signed a memorandum of understanding to continue analyses. Pipelines in Germany would also be part of the HyPerLink project.

Start Year 2030
Snam 2030 vision
Snam has verified the compatibility of its existing natural gas pipelines for hydrogen, identifying that 99% of its network is ready to transport 100% hydrogen, 70% of it with no or limited pressure reduction. The Snam 2030 vision aims to spend around EUR 3 billion to repurpose the gas network from Sicily to the north of Italy.