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Writer's pictureNeelotpal Pande

Green Mobility

Green Mobility
Green Mobility

What is the meaning of green mobility?

Green mobility encompasses a range of transportation options that prioritize sustainability, energy efficiency, and minimal environmental impact. From electric vehicles and hybrid cars to public transportation systems and cycling infrastructure, green mobility is revolutionizing the way we move. In this blog, we will explore the benefits, challenges, and future of green mobility.

Green Mobility :India

Green mobility is a transformative movement in India, propelling the nation towards a future of sustainable transportation. As the colour of energy shifts from brown to green, the country is embracing electric vehicles (EVs) as a present reality rather than a distant possibility. This shift from internal combustion engines to clean, environmentally-friendly transport is not only necessary but empowering. India is committed to fulfilling its global commitments, striving to achieve net-zero emissions by 2070 and reduce 1 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions by the end of this decade. Under the EV30@30 campaign, which aims for at least 30% of all vehicles sold in the country to be clean by 2030, a silent revolution is taking place in the mobility sector.

The collective efforts of political leaders, government bodies, industries across the value chain, and environmentally-conscious citizens are driving this change. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has spearheaded this movement, presenting the concept of Panchamrit (five nectars) at the COP26, which lays down a comprehensive climate action framework. As India accelerates towards a greener future, it keeps its options open by supporting both electric vehicles and hydrogen mobility, recognizing the importance of diverse solutions in achieving positive climate action and energy independence.


Green Mobility
Green Mobility

India's transition to green mobility is backed by proactive government initiatives and substantial funding. The government has allocated $1.3 billion in funding over three years, starting in 2019, under the FAME (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid and Electric Vehicles in India) phase-II scheme. Moreover, 16 state governments have developed their own EV policies, with Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, and Karnataka leading the way in terms of EV adoption. The demand for electric vehicles is steadily rising, driven by factors such as high global petroleum prices, increasing air pollution concerns, and a growing environmental consciousness among consumers. The number of EVs in India exceeded 1 million by March 2022, but the pent-up demand suggests that the adoption could be much higher. The expansion of charging infrastructure, addressing safety concerns, and reducing upfront costs are crucial for accelerating adoption. To support this transition, India needs to establish approximately 5 million public charging points by 2030, a significant increase from the current 1,742 charging stations. Earmarking parking spaces in urban areas for charging stations, ensuring adequate electricity supply, and reducing GST on charging services will enhance the user experience and encourage widespread EV usage. These collective efforts aim to create an ecosystem that fosters the growth of green mobility in the country.

Green mobility is not only a smart choice for India but may be the only choice to combat climate change. The transport sector is a major contributor to global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for 23% of such emissions and 18% of all man-made emissions in the global economy. It also has a significant impact on air pollution, with ambient air pollution causing about three million premature deaths annually.

Additionally, traffic noise has emerged as a significant environmental health risk after air pollution. Therefore, the green mobility policy sets ambitious goals to address these challenges.

  • Sub-goal 1 focuses on climate change mitigation, aiming to reduce GHG emissions from the transport sector in line with global objectives of limiting temperature increase to well below 2 degrees Celsius.

  • Sub-goal 2 aims to substantially reduce premature deaths and illnesses caused by air pollution.

  • Sub-goal 3 aims to reduce global human mortality and the burden of disease related to transport-related noise pollution.

  • These objectives align with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG 3.4, 3.9, 7.3, 9.4, 11.6, 13.1, and 13.2, as well as the Paris Agreement underthe UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Achieving these goals requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses technology advancements, infrastructure development, and policy support. By promoting investment in the Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC) industry and the manufacturing ecosystem for lithium-ion batteries, India aims to accelerate the growth of energy storage technologies. The country also recognizes the potential of hydrogen mobility and is working towards establishing a manufacturing ecosystem for green hydrogen. Through production-linked incentives, special funds, and clusters, efforts are being made to boost the production and supply chain of green hydrogen. Collaboration with global partners and domestic investments will help build technical expertise and skilled talent in these emerging sectors. Additionally, establishing a circular economy around battery reuse and recycling will contribute to the long-term sustainability of the green mobility ecosystem. With the clock ticking on climate change, green mobility emerges as a crucial and necessary solution to mitigate the environmental impact of transportation, improve air quality, and reduce noise pollution.

Green Mobility scheme

The Indian Green mobility scheme is Green Urban Transport Scheme (GUTS) is a significant initiative introduced by the government of India to address the growing air pollution caused by transportation in major urban cities. Under this scheme, selected urban cities in India with a population of 5 lakh and above will undergo measures to reduce air pollution caused by public transport vehicles. The government has allocated an initial investment of Rs. 25,000 Crore for the implementation of GUTS, with plans to involve private sectors to ensure its success.

GUTS aims to introduce eco-friendly vehicles with advanced technologies and features to replace existing public transport vehicles. These new vehicles will be equipped with an Intelligent Transport System (ITS) and amenities like free Wi-Fi, making public transport more appealing to people. By encouraging greater usage of public transport, the scheme aims to reduce the number of vehicles on the roads, ultimately contributing to a significant reduction in carbon emissions.

The Urban Green Mobility Scheme in India is another noteworthy endeavor aimed at transforming urban transport strategies to reduce CO2 emissions and improve mobility within cities. This scheme focuses on two key areas: sustainable urban mobility and sustainable vehicles and fuels. The plan includes the development of infrastructure for bus systems, promotion of non-motorized transport through pedestrian walkways and cycling tracks, bike-sharing programs, and better urban freight management. Additionally, the scheme emphasizes the shift toward hybrid and electric vehicles for public transport and the use of non-fossil fuels or renewable resources in public transport projects.

To facilitate the implementation of the Urban Green Mobility Scheme, the government has allocated a total budget of INR 80,000 Crore. The National Green Urban Mobility Fund will contribute INR 48,000 Crore, with the remaining funds provided by state governments and urban local bodies. Participating cities will compete in the Green Mobility Challenge by submitting their own Green Mobility plans, which will be assessed based on predefined parameters. The ranking achieved by different cities in the challenge will determine the allocation of funds. This scheme highlights India's commitment to reducing emissions and exploring sustainable alternatives in transportation, aligning with its goal of cutting GDP's emission intensity by 33-35% by 2030.

Electric Mobility In India

Green Mobility
Green Mobility

Electric mobility is experiencing a rapid surge in India as the nation embraces sustainable transportation solutions. Government initiatives, including the FAME scheme, have incentivized the widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). State governments have also introduced policies to accelerate the transition towards electric mobility. The ambitious goal is for at least 30% of all vehicles sold in India to be clean and electric by 2030. As charging infrastructure expands and upfront costs decrease, the adoption of EVs is expected to skyrocket. Furthermore, the development of an Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC) industry for battery manufacturing and the focus on green energy sources strengthen the foundation for electric mobility in India. With a focus on reducing air pollution, improving energy efficiency, and building a sustainable future, electric mobility is revolutionizing the transportation landscape in India.

What are the green mobility options?

Green mobility options refer to transportation methods and technologies that prioritize sustainability and minimize negative environmental impacts. Some examples of green mobility options include:

  • Electric vehicles (EVs)

  • Cycling and walking

  • Eco-friendly fuels

How do you use green mobility?

Green mobility is utilized by adopting sustainable transportation practices and technologies. To use green mobility, individuals can:

  • Choose electric or hybrid vehicles

  • Utilize public transportation

  • Embrace active transportation

  • Share rides

  • Use eco-friendly fuels

What are the benefits of green mobility?

The benefits of green mobility are numerous, including:

  • Environmental sustainability

  • Health benefits

  • Energy efficiency

  • Reduced congestion

  • Cost savings

Niti Ayog Report- Status quo analysis of various segments of electric mobility and low carbon passenger road transport in India (

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